We are committed to providing a high-quality shopping experience; however, counterfeit versions of our products have unfortunately appeared at unauthorised retailers, both online and in physical stores.
Online marketplaces like Amazon, eBay, and AliExpress may unknowingly list these counterfeit items. Genuine Addicted products are not sold on any online marketplace. If you see Addicted items listed there, they are likely counterfeit and do not meet our standards for quality, style, or comfort.
These counterfeit items are often manufactured outside Spain in conditions that do not align with our brand values, particularly with regard to fair labour and environmental practices. Although these products may carry the Addicted name, they are not representative of our brand.
To ensure authenticity, we recommend purchasing exclusively from our official website and authorised retailers.
Please note that we cannot take responsibility for issues arising from counterfeit purchases. We encourage you to shop carefully to ensure you’re getting a genuine Addicted product.