Legal Notice

Website Ownership

This website,, is owned and operated by Obsessed Clothing Limited, which also trades under the name Addicted UK.

Company Information

Obsessed Clothing Limited is a company incorporated in England and Wales with the registration number 15558870. Our registered address is 55 North Woolwich Road, London, E16 2AA, United Kingdom. Our VAT number is GB462651881.


Obsessed Clothing Limited serves as the official UK distributor for the brands Addicted, AD Fetish, and ES Collection. These brands are designed and manufactured by DENIER S.L., a company incorporated in Spain with registration number B08106015. DENIER S.L. registered office is C / Josep Pla, 163, 4th Floor, Barcelona, Spain.

Contact Information

For comments or inquiries, please email us at:

Website Hosting

The website is hosted by Shopify.